Thursday, August 18, 2011

"It's a Great, Big, Beautiful, Tomorrow"

Shining down on each and everyday.....

Today is a day that all parents look forward to with joy and anxiety. It's the day where their oldest child flies the nest for good to move in with their  fiance in southwestern Virginia to start a new life together in a two bedroom apartment. Folks, if you see Patti Ann, congratulate her on becoming a big girl. If you see Brad, wish him good luck. If you see my dad, shake his hand and tell him only one more to go. If you see my mom, give her a hug but remind her her favorite child will be home soon.

 And if you see me, I'll tell you how proud and happy I am for my sister. Especially now that she knows her way around a kitchen.

This blog is for you Patti Ann, one of the biggest kids I know.

They grow up so fast

To be honest, I don't really have much to update on except that I got to hang with the Thornton family on Sunday which is always a good time. It seems that no matter where I am from Virginia to Florida the Thorntons aren't far behind.  I also was able to see Aunt Dana and Dana Marie and had lunch in Germany. Nothing better then a german sausage buffet to start your day off. Sadly I couldn't join them in Morocco for dinner since I had to work gates but it was really nice seeing family this week.

O yes, I did get to go to Magic Kingdom after work on Monday which was, well, magical. I finally got to do the Snow White ride and although it was a bit anti-climatic, I was still scared at the part the witch turns around and is all scary looking. We also rode the Carousel of Progress (hence the title which I found to be highly appropriate) and Buzz Lightyear, a ride that I am pretty terrible at although very fun and florescent.

Umm well really that's it. Sorry I have nothing funny to report but sadly life is that way. It gets boring and unfunny. The weekend is coming up though, and I'm sure I'll have some awkward encounters with someone or something. Seems to always happen that way.

Like we needed anymore proof that I was a dorky person, here is me at my Junior prom. Complete with Tinkerbell Wings

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